

It was a wonderful experience, and the staff at the Royal Mike branch were phenomenal. The placement allowed me to explore all areas of pharmacy practise, from learning about the Chronic medication service to PGDs. I have never been on such an interesting placement; they focused 100% on helping you in your career. Any questions I had, everyone was happy to answer. It was one of the most supportive teams I’ve ever been apart of. It was certain the best placement I’ve ever experienced- one to never forget.
The pharmacist, Fiona, always ensured that I was busy and every morning we could form a plan for the day ahead. She allowed me to cover things that I had never done before, and taught me everything she knew when the opportunity arose. I believe that I’ll take her teachings forwards, to influence my own practice is a positive light.
It was an amazing experience and I cannot thank Widnes Late Night Pharmacy and their team enough.
The projects were interesting and allowed us to focus on the new areas of community pharmacist practise.